четверг, 27 октября 2011 г.

About catering in USSR

About catering.
Where did the Catering?

On the cafes, restaurants, snack bars (or Where did the catering?)
Actually, the term "food services", was associated with Soviet times, when it was believed that all were equal, is now generally excluded from the regulatory framework. And that was previously available only to the elite (meaning visiting the restaurant), has now become commonplace for many. And bars, cafes, snack bars, coffee shops and even today are eating establishments at restaurants. Oh, and restaurants, of course, too.
Why do we pay attention to it? Because many entrepreneurs carry out their business in these establishments at restaurants, and the rules of the organization of work for them, from small snack before class restaurants "luxury" - the same. What are they?

Organize work according to the rules.

The rules governing the procedure of public catering facilities were approved by the Ministry of Economy Order and European Integration of Ukraine of 24.07.2002 № 219.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine of 09.10.2006 № 309, the data rules become rules of establishments (enterprises) Restaurant Industry (further - Rules) and Rules of catering operations, as approved by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Ukraine from 03.07.95 g . № 129, no longer valid.
The rules contain basic requirements for the work of business entities in the restaurant sector, which must comply with and in the cafe and snack bar, and restaurant.

Directly below the restaurants in the Rules means the economic activity of economic entities to provide services for meeting consumer needs for nutrition with the organization of recreational or without him.
A restaurant business institution is considered "the organizational and structural unit in the restaurant sector, which provides industrial and commercial activity: manufacturing and (or) dogotovlyaet, sells and arranges the use of self-produced goods and zakupnyh may develop leisure customers."
Eating at restaurants classified by type and grade. These can be restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, snack bars, coffee shops, kitchens, stores food products, the cafeteria. Restaurants and bars are divided into classes (first, upper, luxury).
The choice of type of institution (enterprise) and the restaurant business-class restaurant or bar by business for yourself with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation.

In accordance with what is assigned to class facilities at restaurants?
The class is distinguished features of institutions at restaurants that characterize the level of requirements to their own production and zakupnyh goods, terms of consumption, the organization of services and leisure visitors.
That is the type and class of institution determines which industrial, commercial and domestic premises and equipment for preparation and sale of products shall be the subjects of economic activity. Naturally, the discovery of institution (enterprise) restaurant facilities approved by the local authorities, agencies of the state sanitary-epidemiological service in the manner prescribed by law.
Incidentally, in the Rules provides that the entrepreneurs in the restaurant sector to engage in trading activities may also have small-scale retail trade network.

Mode institutions at restaurants set the business entity itself, and in cases prescribed by law - in consultation with local authorities. For institutions restaurant industry, serving customers in enterprises, institutions and organizations operating mode is set by agreement with their administration.
Means of measuring equipment in any institution should be in good condition and have a clear span imprint stamp and tested in accordance with legislation.
On trade and production equipment, tools and utensils, subject to mandatory certification, business entity must have a certificate of compliance, and those types, which are not subject to certification, shall be constructed of materials permitted by the Chief Medical Officer of Ukraine.
For employees who are engaged in the production, storage and sale of food and food raw materials must meet the requirements of the professional special education (training). All employees who work in the hospitality sector, undergo a medical examination, whose results are reflected in their personal medical books. Personal medical record shall be presented for inspection by representatives of the agencies request of the state sanitary-epidemiological service.

In addition to the Rules of business entities, with cafes, restaurants, bars and other establishments catering services, as well as having a small-scale retail trade network must comply with the following regulations:
- Laws of Ukraine on 12.05.91, № 1023 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", from 24.02.94, № 4004 "About maintenance of sanitary and epidemic welfare of population" of 23.12.97, № 771 "On food safety and quality products ";
- Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of 15.06.2006, № 833 "On approval of the trading activity and trading rules of public service";
- Order MVEStorga Ukraine from 08.07.96 № 369, the "On Approval of the Rules of the small retail trade network" - the order of the Ministry of Economy of 11.07.2003 № 185 "On approval of rules of retail trade in food";
- Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of 30.07.96, № 854 "On approval of rules of trade in alcoholic beverages";
- Sanitary Rules for catering, approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Trade of the USSR from 19.03.91, the (№ 5777-91), etc.

Cooking by the rules.

In each institution catering management should ensure that the products specified in the menu price list according to range of products approved in accordance with the type and class of institution.
In the manufacture of their own production entities must adhere to technological modes of production (interoperability of their interchangeability, the regime of cold and heat treatment of raw materials, etc.), certain regulatory documents (collections of recipes of dishes, culinary, pastry and bakery products).
When using the collections of recipes and culinary dishes can be substituted (excluded) in the formulations of the missing types of food commodities and food products (except the main component parts of courses) or additionally include them in the necessary quantities, without affecting the taste of food (products), it does not allow violations of sanitary regulations, technological mode of production, declining consumer characteristics and quality of food (products).
Changes to the recipes are made mandatory in the calculation and technological cards.
Business entities may independently develop and maintain products and specialties to meet the requirements of legal acts.
Signature dish - a dish (culinary, pastry), which is prepared in a particular institution (enterprise) restaurant facilities on the author's original recipe with awarding him the brand name that is subject to the right of intellectual property protection.
In view of consumer demand can also modify rules leave food (products), including sauces and garnishes, where technology allows preparation. Cooks and bakers should be provided in the workplace technology standards maps showing tabs raw food materials and food for meals or products and technology of their preparation. Party food must be manufactured in such quantities as to ensure their implementation in the terms defined standard documentation.

Visitors accepted by the rules.

In institutions (enterprises) at restaurants such methods of service as self-service, waiter service, combined, etc. But with all the methods of service must be performed prior tableware according to the type (class) of the enterprise.
The menu should be shown a list of dishes, culinary, pastry, bakery and beverage own production, yield and price per serving. In the price list contains a list of alcoholic and soft drinks, beer, tobacco, confectionery and other goods zakupnyh, mass, volume and price of the relevant unit of product, in addition to alcoholic beverages - bottle capacity, cost per bottle, 50 and 100 ml.

Menu and price list shall be signed by managers, accountants and financially responsible person (head of production, the foreman, bartender, bartender, etc.) and sealed by an economic entity.
Administration institution has no right to set minimum order value and offer the consumer a mandatory range of products.
During the service establishments (factories) restaurant facilities at the request of consumers and culinary products zakupnye goods, including alcoholic beverages may be sold in takeaway packaging.
In establishments (businesses) and self-service stores culinary payment document (cash receipt, payment receipt, etc.) shall be issued to the consumer after the cost of production of cash.
In institutions (enterprises) with waiter service payment for consumer goods is carried out directly to the waiter, in accordance with the invoice, which is written on the letterhead of the prescribed form.
After calculating the consumer is provided as a waiter payment document (cash receipt, payment receipt).
Customers have the right:
- Prior to the service read the menu, price lists and soft drinks, confectionery and tobacco products, fruits, additional services, if any;
- Check the volume, weight and price of products, compliance with the quality requirements of normative documents. If it is found underweight or poor quality food products, the administration institution shall:
- Free of charge to eliminate the identified deficiencies;
- Reduce the amount of payment for products;
- Replace the similar products of good quality;
- Fully reimburse the customer associated with the acquisition of substandard products.
However, visitors are prohibited from bringing in any institution at restaurants raw food, food products, including alcoholic and soft drinks.
In connection with the activities of anti-smoking rules prohibit visitors smoking tobacco products in retail premises establishments (businesses) restaurant facilities (regardless of type and class), except in specially designated places. Subjects were also instructed to take business special smoking areas equipped with exhaust ventilation or other means to remove tobacco smoke, as well as to place the consumer in a corner of visual information about the location of places and about the harmful effects to human health smoking of tobacco products.
Under the Rules of quality control and product safety and compliance with the rules and regulations established for institutions (enterprises) at restaurants, including these Rules shall be carried out by local authorities and other bodies within their jurisdiction provided by law.
Maxim Prudnaya
© «Self-employed", February 2007, № 4 (168), with. 15 (www.chp.com.ua)
Author: Armen Lavrentyevich / Armen at 6:40 Lavrent'evich

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